Friday, October 10, 2008

Reworked Thesis and Outline


Holden Caulfield illustrates a perfect case of metathesiophobia (fear of change). He demonstrates this through alienation, phoniness, and his own metaphorical field of rye.

Reason #1: Alienation

Example: Hunting hat shows his uniqueness and desire to be isolated. (Symbol)
Example: The fundamental conflict of the book is isolation versus companionship. Holden cannot address his companionship because he has a protective brick wall unpleasantness that prevents any kind of interactions. (Quotes)

Reason #2: Phoniness

Example: Start of chapter 22. Holden states how everyone is so phony and it gives him a reason to be phony himself.
Example: One of his favourite concepts over the whole novel.

Reason #3: The Field of Rye (Chapter 22)

Example: Quote in chapter 22. He basically wants to stand on the edge of the cliff and all the children about to fall off he will save them from the outside world.
Example: Holden confuses lines of lyric. Within this it shows his true imperfections. That he is not the greatest person in the world. In order to change he must tear down his wall of bitterness and become an adult.

Conclusion: Over the course of the novel Holden Caulfield comes to the conclusion that he himself has been holding himself back. He realized this because he took a step back and seen nothing he liked. He has isolated himself from the world and everything he loved, he himself was as phony as everyone else around him, and the only thing had going for him were the lyric to a song which were wrong showing yet another one of his many imperfections. This gave him the desire to face his fear of CHANGE.

1 comment:

komox37 said...

Good work Adam. The thesis is excellent, and your reasons should adequately defend it. I think your examples should also demonstrate your reasoning. I look forward to reading the essay.