Monday, October 27, 2008

Rhetoric Device - Epizeuxis


The Explanation:

Epizeuxis is derived the Greek language meaning “fastening together”. Epizeuxis is the repetition of the same word over and over again. One word repeated 2 or more times back to back. See examples.

Why Use it?:

This is generally used to get a point across or to make a certain idea or word stand out more than it normally would.

The 2 Examples:

“I really really really want that new fancy iPod that just came out!” exclaims the son. The mother replies “You were definitely definitely not good enough to deserve that!”
2. Money money money, man that stuff makes the world go around.

The Media:

"Give me a break! Give me a break! Break me off a piece of that Kit Kat bar!" (Advertisement for Kit Kat)

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