Monday, October 27, 2008

Rhetoric Device - Epizeuxis


The Explanation:

Epizeuxis is derived the Greek language meaning “fastening together”. Epizeuxis is the repetition of the same word over and over again. One word repeated 2 or more times back to back. See examples.

Why Use it?:

This is generally used to get a point across or to make a certain idea or word stand out more than it normally would.

The 2 Examples:

“I really really really want that new fancy iPod that just came out!” exclaims the son. The mother replies “You were definitely definitely not good enough to deserve that!”
2. Money money money, man that stuff makes the world go around.

The Media:

"Give me a break! Give me a break! Break me off a piece of that Kit Kat bar!" (Advertisement for Kit Kat)

Logical Fallacy - Poisoning the Well

Poisoning the Well

Poisoning the well or Toxicum Puteus in Latin.

All logical fallacies are divided into two main parts. These two main parts are formal and informal. Within each part there are an enormous amount of different fallacies called sub fallacies, every sub fallacy under the main part is a more specific example of a previous generalization of the fallacy. For Example Red Herring is a more specific example of an informal fallacy. But the genetic fallacy is a more specific example of red herring consequently, a more specific example of an informal fallacy. Now poisoning the well falls under a more precise example of an argumentum ad hominem (argument to the man) which a branch off of a genetic fallacy. Poisoning the well adverts to the European myth that the Jews had poisoned their wells with the Black Plague. This gave the Europeans an excuse to persecute the Jews. The phrase was first coined in “Apologia Pro Vita Sua” by John Henry Newman. Newman describes it as being: “What I insist upon here…is this unmanly attempt of his, in his concluding pages, to cut the ground from under my feet;—to poison by anticipation the public mind against Me”(FallacyFiles). This all means basically that person A says mockery before statement, to corrupt the minds and opinions of the audience listening to person B. All poisoning the well really is trying to discredit whatever person B is about to say. Poisoning the well can be sued in either an abusive way by insulting an opposition or in a circumstantial way by showing how one side is bias and exposing it in a negative way. This fallacy is often used in politics too tarnish the opposition’s image. This fallacy can also be very useful in debates and various other ways.

The Example (2):
Topic: Seal Clubbing
Person Agaist1: Why would you ever listen to this cruel murderous lunatic (abusive).
Person Againt2: This man only opposes me because if seal clubbing is banned then he will lose all of his business (circumstantial).
Person Opposing: Is trapped and won’t know what to say.

The well has been poisoned because now the audience either way sees the opposition in a bad way either in an insulting way or in a only money matter to the person way.

Topic: University
Person Against1: Only stuck up snobs go there to feel superior (abusive).
Person Against2: Student only are going to university because teachers and peer tell them they will get a higher education which is false because some college can help you get a degree as well (circumstantial).
Person Opposing: No matter what he/she says it will not seem right.

The Syllogism:
Horhay says “Our justice system is too strict”
Dylan replies “May I remind you that the Justice System got Horhay locked up for 5 years, so Horhay is untrustworthy”
Therefore the audience is almost forced to discredit whatever Horhay has to say, due to Dylan’s clever poisoning the well.

The Media:
One of the major strains of reaction to Barack Obama’s “More Perfect Union” speech is that those who are not persuaded by it are therefore racist or at least unreasoning fools. Poisoning the well in this manner may be an effective rhetorical device but it undercuts the very message of the speech, which is that race remains a very complicated issue in American culture and that we must tolerate a wide range of expressions on the subject.(Joyner)


1. Gary N., Curtis. "The Taxonomy of Logical Fallacies." Fallacy Files. 2008. 24 Oct 2008

2. Joyner, James. "Obama's Speech: Poisoning the Well." Outside the Beltway. 03 March 2008. OTB Media. 24 Oct 2008

My Test Essay

Here it is sir! I used media share so I can hook you up with the right format so I don't have to hang it in on paper again!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Essay Comment

Hello Sir,

I hope my essay is a little bit more enjoyabel to read then the first take you got today, but it wasn't done yet i just wnated comments on it so I reworked it a bit well ALOT. So hopes its better then a 1+.
My essay when i copied it over i didn't format properly but I'll hand a hard copy in on Monday and as well I am nto sure how to put a tittle page one my blog so that will be included with my hard copy along with the bibliography. Thanks.



The Catcher in the Rye

The controversial novel The Catcher in the Rye was written by J.D. Salinger. The Catcher in the Rye has been very successful due to the extremely complex main character Holden Caulfield. Holden is a bitter yet hypocritical character that judges people willingly, in order to cover up his own blemishes. The reason for this is because he is afraid to look at himself in the mirror and see something he can’t change due to trepidation. This character is the perfect example of someone suffering from metathesiophobia (fear of change). Holden demonstrates this through several ways such as alienating himself from the world, depicting everyone else as a phony, and getting caught up in a miss-communicated metaphorical field of rye.

Loneliness is a key factor of Holden’s character, and why he is the way he is. He not only spends most of his time by himself, but he also barely ever interacts with others for very long periods of time. He will not try to fit in with the crowd, he won’t even try to stand out, he will simply not be in the crowd at all. He starts off by not going to the biggest football game of the year. Then you find out he is kicked out of the school. Being kicked out doesn’t bother Holden it’s his fourth time so it is no big deal. This is an example of Holden’s protective barrier. His hunting hat he buys is the symbol of his barrier. He buys a non-traditional hat that most will not like. Just to make him feel more alone. All this protective business is just Holden preventing himself from developing as an adult. He as well is the cause of all his pain because the protective wall is preventing him from his need for companionship. Holden is told by Mr. Spence: “Life is a game, boy. Life is a game that one plays according to the rules” (Salinger, 8). Holden believes that life is only a game when you’re on the side that’s winning, but when you’re on the side that’s losing, there is no game. Consequently, Holden distances himself from the game of life because he feels he is on the losing side. Furthermore, he cannot find companionship for he is too afraid of interacting, and also because most conversations end up confusing him. This feeling of being on “the other side” causes him to stay the same and continue with what is ordinary so that he doesn’t have to develop as an adult.

In addition, the term phony is used freely and is one of Holden’s favourite concepts throughout the novel. Not only because of the fact he says the word at least 5 times a page but is able to apply it to all his encounters. In Holden's case he makes the term fit every living human being on the face of the earth. He applies it to anyone he has an encouter with or anyone he just takes a second glance at, he always judges the book by the cover! The definition of “phony” for Holden is very ambiguous. The term will be associated with a liar, an imperfection, and/or a stereotype/archetype. The funny side of it he considers himself not phony but he considers himself a lie-aholic. Holden states “I'm the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life. It's awful. If I'm on my way to the store to buy a magazine, even, and somebody asks me where I'm going, I'm liable to say I'm going to the opera”(Salinger,16). It's terrible. Therefore, he himself is just as false as the world around him. His misconception of the word is not used to an advantage either. It’s a disadvantage because he is judging everyone by look or by the first impression and with his harsh point of view the worst is always seen. And Holden feels that these “phony” people can’t see their own phoniness, consequently he feels as they narrator he should bring it to your attention. This is his reasoning for what’s wrong with everything around him. This gives him as excuse to be so cynical. Not only does this make him look like an angel next to Jesus Christ, it in turn makes him just as phony as the rest of humanity. Holden spends so much time and effort discovering how everyone is phony he is unaware of his phoniness. With all that effort going toward proving everyone else phony it keeps him distant from his inner self fear of change.

Moreover Holden confused lyrics to a song he over heard one day and applied these lyrics to his own made up fantasy world. This world was his comparison to the “real world”. The lyrics he overheard were “If a body catch a body comin’ through the Rye” (Salinger, 173). Then his sister quickly corrects him and says: “If a body meet a body comin’ through the Rye” (Salinger, 173). Nonetheless, the he explain to his sister his own made up world:

…I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of
rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody's around - nobody big, I mean
- except me. And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to
do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff - I mean if
they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from
somewhere and catch them. That's all I do all day. I'd just be the catcher in
the rye and all. I know it's crazy, but that's the only thing I'd really like to
be (Salinger, 173).

After his sister corrects him, he quickly realizes that his world has fallen apart. When “catcher” is not in the lyric he can’t catch anyone anymore. Subsequently the only thing he wants to do he can’t. The need to change has the perfect opportunity to rise up, but Holden won’t let it because anything more complex than a “Hello” is to confusing and mind boggling. Holden continues to evade the fact of the need to change because of apprehension.

Over the course of the novel Holden Caulfield criticizes everyone and everything around him. He would either distance himself from interactions with other or he would interact and slap a phony sticker on their forehead. Then he creates this so called fantasy world of a field of rye, where Holden catches the children about to fall off the cliff, in other words about to fall into the adult world. Holden makes himself the hero and that’s what he genuinely wants to be. He is soon told the proper words to the song; consequently his fantasy world is torn down. Faced with the actualities of the world Holden then recognizes he doesn’t want to change, and deep down inside still wishes the world could by paused like a movie. His fear of change is so elusive he will never be able to comprehend the need to change.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Reworked Thesis and Outline


Holden Caulfield illustrates a perfect case of metathesiophobia (fear of change). He demonstrates this through alienation, phoniness, and his own metaphorical field of rye.

Reason #1: Alienation

Example: Hunting hat shows his uniqueness and desire to be isolated. (Symbol)
Example: The fundamental conflict of the book is isolation versus companionship. Holden cannot address his companionship because he has a protective brick wall unpleasantness that prevents any kind of interactions. (Quotes)

Reason #2: Phoniness

Example: Start of chapter 22. Holden states how everyone is so phony and it gives him a reason to be phony himself.
Example: One of his favourite concepts over the whole novel.

Reason #3: The Field of Rye (Chapter 22)

Example: Quote in chapter 22. He basically wants to stand on the edge of the cliff and all the children about to fall off he will save them from the outside world.
Example: Holden confuses lines of lyric. Within this it shows his true imperfections. That he is not the greatest person in the world. In order to change he must tear down his wall of bitterness and become an adult.

Conclusion: Over the course of the novel Holden Caulfield comes to the conclusion that he himself has been holding himself back. He realized this because he took a step back and seen nothing he liked. He has isolated himself from the world and everything he loved, he himself was as phony as everyone else around him, and the only thing had going for him were the lyric to a song which were wrong showing yet another one of his many imperfections. This gave him the desire to face his fear of CHANGE.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Dummies Guide Cover


Holden Caulfield illustrates a perfect case of Gerascophobia (fear of growing up). He demonstrates this through alienation, elaborate lies, and his own metaphorical field of rye.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Dummies Guide

Introduction to New Criticism

Literary Criticism: Literary criticism is analyzing and interpreting of a piece of literature.
The author may give us work that has one if not several meanings. Authors expect us to figure it out and consider every aspect. Good criticism helps us to have a better understanding of the work presented to you. It may help you see the text from a different point of view.
New Criticism
New criticism is a new and different method of evaluating pieces of literature. This method emphasizes that readers closely examine a piece of text with minimum regard for the biographical or historical circumstances in which it was produced. This certain method of criticism was highly influential type of literary criticism that grew from the 40s to late 60s.
New criticism was originally produced mainly in response to biographical criticism. The theory of biographical criticism believed that pieces of literature should be looked at as a reflection to an authors life. This meant that sometimes text weren't even read.
The concept of new criticism tends to emphasize on a few autotelic crucial things. It tends to see text as an artifact(done for its own sake), solely based for itself and not dependant on its relation to the authors life or intent, history or anything else.
New criticism once created could be broken down into several different but similar methods of criticizing text.
William Kurtz Wimsatt, Jr.November 17 1907 – December 17 1975
William Kurtz Wimsatt Jr. attended Georgetown University, he later attended Yale University where he finished off his schooling and received his PHD. Later after receiving his PHD in 1939 he joined the English department at Yale and taught there until his death. Wimsatt is best known for his studies in 18th century literature, his work consisted of literary theory and criticism. Wimsatt came up with many extraordinary work in his lifetime these major works include Studies in the Meaning of Poetry (verbal icon), A Short History (literary criticism), A Study of Style and Meaning in the "Rambler" (Philosophic Words) and The Prose Style of Samuel Johnson. Some of Wimsatts historical theories were affective and intentional fallacy, concrete universal, and the domain of criticism.
Monroe Curtis Beardsley December 10 1915 – September 18 1985
Monroe Curtis Beardsley attended the prestigious Yale university were he completed his BA in 1936 and his PHD in 1939. Like Wimsatt, Beardsley taught at many universities and colleges including Yale, Swarthmore and Temple. Beardsley is best known for his work in aesthetics. Beardsley was honored in 1956 when he was voted president of the American society of aesthetics. He is also highly recognized for his work written along side Wimsatt. Beardsley’s major works include Aesthetics, A Short History (Aesthetics), Practical Logic, The Possibility of Criticism and the Aesthetic Point of View. Finally some of Beardsley’s theories include affective fallacy and intentional fallacy.
Intentional Fallacy
Intentional fallacy is the idea or fact that when reading literature you do not let the author’s intention affect your out look while interpreting their literary work. It is based on the fact that the author’s intention is not important , or should not be needed for the meaning of their work and the ability to intemperate their work with literary analysis.
For literary analysis you must use the text its self and the words to determine the meaning and not let the author affect anything with his intentions when he was writing the work. The words are the evidence them selves for the analysis. The author’s thoughts, feelings, and or intentions should never play in account when doing literary analysis on their work for the intentional fallacy, once they start being considered it no longer becomes an intentional fallacy.
Affective Fallacy
Affective fallacy occurs in literary criticism(a written evaluation of a work of literature). It’s a theory that a poem or script should be analyzed and describe by its internal structure. It suggests that a poem should not be valued on the level of emotional effects it has on the reader but simply how it is written and structured. The main concept of the term affective fallacy is an answer to the impressionistic criticism argument. This topic (impressionistic criticism) argues that the reader's response to a poem, ultimately decides how well it is written.
A simpler definition of the term affective fallacy is simply a confusion between the poem and its results. Basically means that readers get confused between what it is and what it does.
"The outcome of either fallacy . . . is that the poem itself, as an object of specifically critical judgement, tends to disappear.”
This was a statement from Wimsatt which can be found in one of his many essays
The original concept for affective fallacy was presented by Wimsatt through a series of essay written throughout 1954. The true definition of fallacy as stated by Wimsatt covers or touches on all major literary criticism techniques (if strictly followed). This mode of criticism covers techniques ranging from the late 1800s all the way to the late 1900s.
With many of the concepts of New criticism there was a trail of “non believers” who opposed the idea. With the introduction of affective fallacy there was also a large cloud of controversy that always surrounded the idea. Thought the creators of the idea had a large influence on people, it was never accepted fully by a great number of critics
Although the strong message portrayed by the term remains to this day it has had its share of competition. The term is a strong warning against unsophisticated use of emotional response in judging ones text. Though this term is pretty simple in meaning it has been “overlapped” by more recent developments to new criticism. Therefore nowadays it is interpreted differently then it would have been back when it was first created.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Lesson PLan

1. To get students to define New Criticism.
2. Students will understand key components of New Criticism.
3. To get student to apply it to pieces of literature.

· Laptop
· Projector
· USB Drive
· PowerPoint

0-5 min - Quick Introduction of ourselves and our topic
5-8min – What is literary criticism (already briefly explained by group presenting the day before)
8- 20 min – Explanation and definition of New Criticism
20-27min – Cover Wimsatt give some background information of his life to the class (Education, Profession, Major works, and Theories)
27-34min – Cover Beardsley give some background information of his life to the class (Education, Profession, Major works, and Theories)
34-44min – Cover intentional fallacy give clear definition and explain thoroughly what it is using examples
44-58min- Cover Affective Fallacy gives clear definition of the term and describes what it is using examples
58-70 min – evaluation questions poem one and two give class time to read over then find out their opinion on the meaning and what it really means

We will link these key ideas above to poems by Bob Dylan. Students will be asked about their ideas and/or answers. They will be allowed to ask as many questions as needed to get a point across.

Quick must know notes to take away from lesson
Literary criticism is analyzing and interpreting literature
The new criticism method emphasizes that readers closely examine a piece of text with minimum regard for the biographical or historical circumstances in which it was produced
William Kurtz Wimsatt, Jr. November 17 1907 – December 17 1975. Known for his studies of 18th century literature. (Affective and Intentional Fallacy)
Monroe Curtis Beardsley December 10 1915 – September 18 1985. Known for his work in aesthetics (involved in affective fallacy, intentional fallacy theories)
Intentional fallacy is the idea or fact that when reading literature you do not let the author’s intention affect your out look while interpreting their literary work.
Affective fallacy occurs in literary criticism (a written evaluation of a work of literature). It’s a theory that a poem or script should be analyzed and describe by its internal structure.