Thursday, September 11, 2008

Power Saving Google

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Intentional Fallacy
· Was an essay written in a collaboration by W.K. Wimsatt and Monroe Beardsley
· Fallacy a component in an argument which renders the whole argument invalid
· The essay is basically: the design or the intentions of an author do not matter when judging the essay
· The term itself is somewhat ambiguous but it basically means a fallacy of intent or a fallacy committed on purpose
· Internal Evidence: Is present as fact of the given work, (poems, historical facts, etc)
· External Evidence: Not actually in the work itself, (comment, reviews, conversations about the work, etc)
· Contextual Evidence: third kind of evidence concerns any meanings derived from the specific work's relationship to other art made by this particular artist
· Summary of above: Thus, a text's internal evidence — the words themselves, and their meanings — is fair game for literary analysis. External evidence — anything not contained within the text itself, such as information about the poet's life — belongs to literary biography, not literary criticism. Preoccupation with the author "leads away from the poem." According to New Criticism, a poem does not belong to its author, but rather "it is detached from the author at birth and goes about the world beyond his power to intend about it or control it. The poem belongs to the public." It is the Contextual evidence that presents the greatest potential for intentional fallacies of interpretation. Analysis using this type of evidence can easily become more concerned with external evidence than the internal content of the work.
· A death of an author

The Death of an Author by Roland Barthes
· In the essay it criticizes the reader’s tendency to consider aspects of the author’s identity
· Such as the authors political, religious, historical views and or ethnicity, personal attributes and their pats life experiences and what not
· Basically to judge their work based on the authors life as oppose judging their literature on their actually literature
· Basically it’s like not giving text any author, so you base it on text and text alone
· The work should be criticized based on the impressions of the reader and not the passions or tastes of the writer
· The meaning doesn’t lie with the origin it lies with the language itself and the impression on the reader
· I talks about how can you know exactly what the writer intended if you yourself are not the writer, unless you share the same mind that is…
· “The destruction of every voice” adheres to one interpretation
· It is the language that speaks for itself
· They can’t be a blur between the writer and the characters
· Intentional fallacies declare a poem is not attached to its author yet detached from the author at birth and goes about the world on its own
· The poem will belong to anyone who reads it

Affective Fallacy
· Affective fallacy is a term from literary criticism used to refer to the supposed error of judging or evaluating a text on the basis of its emotional effects on a reader. The term was coined by W.K. Wimsatt and Monroe Beardsley as a principle of New Criticism."The report of some readers . . . that a poem or story induces in them vivid images, intense feelings, or heightened consciousness, is neither anything which can be refuted nor anything which it is possible for the objective critic to take into account."

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Accountability Agreement

The List that Can be The Make or Break of a Life

Focus: What do you want to accomplish in this class or during this year?
1. I wish to achieve an average of 80% or greater so it will not be a limiting factor when it comes to applying to universities.
2. I really would like to learn how to write higher-quality essays.
3. I want to go to training sessions with Nukleus Fitness to stay healthy and in shape for years to come.
4. Prepare for a second half-marathon and more to come.
5. Take Yoga and learn to relax and feel better about myself.
6. I wish to put all that I can into everything I do this year so I can get all that I want in the FUTURE.
7. I will do all the bonus material I can do to acheieve my goals and I will do the AP Test (if Mr. Murray thinks I can get a 4 or 5) to get the mark i wish and apply to universities and know they will want me.

Contributions: What contributions will you make to this class or to the school this year?
1. I will be organizing the grade 9 day, the grind, and sports banquette.
2. I will organize a ski/snowboard club as well and hopefully to make to have more trips than usual.
3. I will help anyone who seeks it as long as they ask proper question because I will not help anyone be lazy.
4. I will participate I HIP this year again and try t continue to help kids quit or not even start smoking and ways to deal with life without resorting to that type of stuff.

Accountabilities: For what will you be held responsible?
1. I am responsible for doing my best on every assignment, essay, and test.
2. I am responsible for doing all my homework so I do not let myself or group members down.
3. I am responsible for being punctual.

Supports: What help, and from whom, will you need in order to achieve your accountabilities?
1. I will need the assistance from Mr. Murray to work on concepts and learn ways to improve whether it is on English or various other deeds listed above.
2. I will need the support from my friends and family to say get’r done, you can do it.
3. Basically if I’m not doing anything better or not achieving anything a kick in the A** will do the trick because I do not want to be known as the guy who could have been better.

Measurements: How will you know what success looks like?
1. I will be happy with myself and feel like I did my best and know it’s not a lie.
2. I will achieve the marks I wish to obtain and look at my work and be like WOW I wrote that or I did that! :O
3. I will be recognized for the work I’ve done for the school whether it be as big as an actually award or just a plain good ol’ thanks!

Consequences: How should you be rewarded if you succeed? How should you be punished?
1. Get the marks I deserve and the feedback required to make myself better.

Friday, September 5, 2008


Welcome to my blog... AlwaysW3st you ask why? Well no matter where I went my name would always end up being Adam West or just West. I tend to spell it W3st because West is common therefore I spice it up a lil' bit! Well anyways welcome to my blog =D